Concise Minutes - Finance Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Thursday, 23 November 2017

Meeting time: 09.01 - 14.36
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Simon Thomas AM (Chair)

Neil Hamilton AM

Mike Hedges AM

Jane Hutt AM

Steffan Lewis AM

Nick Ramsay AM

David Rees AM


Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner

Kate Carr, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

Mark Drakeford AM, Cabinet Secretary for Finance

Margaret Davies, Welsh Government

Andrew Jeffreys, Welsh Government

Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Housing and Regeneration

Ian Williams, Welsh Government

Ian Walters, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Bethan Davies (Clerk)

Catherine Hunt (Second Clerk)

Georgina Owen (Deputy Clerk)

Martin Jennings (Researcher)

Owen Holzinger (Researcher)

Ben Harris (Legal Adviser)

Gareth David Thomas (Researcher)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed Jane Hutt AM as a permanent member of the Committee.



2       Paper(s) to note

2.1 The papers were noted.



2.1   PTN1 - Letter from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration - Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill - 14 November 2017



3       Welsh Government draft budget 2018-19: Evidence session 7 (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales)

3.1 The Committee took evidence from Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and Kate Carr, Director for Partnerships, Engagement and Communication, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales on the Welsh Government’s draft budget 2018-19.

3.2 The Commissioner agreed to provide the Committee with further details on her feedback in relation to the Welsh Government’s participatory budgeting pilots.



4       Welsh Government draft budget 2018-19: Evidence from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance

4.1 The Committee took evidence from Mark Drakeford AM, Cabinet Secretary for Finance; Andrew Jeffreys, Director, Welsh Treasury; and Margaret Davies, Deputy Director, Strategic Budgeting on the Welsh Government’s draft budget 2018-19.

4.2 The Cabinet Secretary agreed to provide the Committee with an update on how much the Welsh Government will receive in terms of Barnett consequentials and the multiplier agreed in the fiscal framework, as a result of the UK Government’s budget announcements.



5       Regulation of Registered Social Landlords (Wales) Bill: Evidence session

5.1 The Committee took evidence from Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Housing and Regeneration; Ian Williams, Welsh Government; and Ian Walters, Welsh Government on the Regulation of Registered Social Landlords (Wales) Bill.



6       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting and all of the meeting on 29 November 2017

6.1 The motion was agreed.



7       Regulation of Registered Social Landlords (Wales) Bill: Consideration of evidence

7.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.



8       Welsh Government draft budget 2018-19: Consideration of evidence

8.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.
